“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” ― Dr. Seuss

Archive for November 6, 2013

My Short Hair


Isn’t the cartoon cute? Haha! Copied it after googling Image on cartoon – short hair. Anyway, this is not the main thingy of this post :p

I’ve been keeping short hair for many years. My hair will grow till around shoulder length and I’ll get it cut twice yearly. Every half a year, I’ll visit the hair saloon, get it cut & reborn. The cycle keeps repeating itself.

Visited the saloon on Friday and told the hairstylist the length that I wanted. However, I forgot to tell her that I don’t want too much layering. As the volume of my hair is already quite thin, so too much layering will cause it to be thinner & flatter after the rebonding. Rebonding is a must as I’ve wavy hair in nature and cutting of hair will cause the hair to be back to its wave.

So much for being absent-minded. The style doesn’t turn out as I thought it should be. Somehow the colleagues, friends & bosses find my hairstyle to be quite different from how I would usually look like. Keeps me wondering….Is it good or is it bad?!

Anyway, boss made a comment and said I look nice :p LOL! It just made my day.